Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Las Lindas, or the pretty girls in Spanish, is a bicycle gang started by Kara Taylor and Carla Terwilleger in Louisville, KY. Our motto is “No hills, no sweat, no tears” and we can be found riding around town on our fabulous Schwinns ringing our bells, waving to common folk and putting smiles on the faces of boys and girls.

The prerequisites for being in our elite gang are easy – You must be good looking, know how to have fun and own a bicycle. We know every route in town without a hill and we promise an excellent time.

Our blog is brand spanking new, but will start rolling soon. Be on the lookout for updates on Las Lindas events, happenings around town and overall bicycle fun. And please send us an email if you are interested in being part of the action!

Bikes rule, boys drool. Viva Las Lindas!
Also - If you are interested in becoming a memeber but don't have a bicycle - never fear! Contact us and Bikes by Kara will hook you up with a sweet ride.